In the Night Sky 1 {She's Not Returning} | 리틀팍스
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  • [창작동화] In the Night Sky 1 {She's Not Returning}
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    | 추천수: 15 | 등록일: 2019.8.6 오후 6:03
  • One cool march evening, thirteen-year-old Di Washington was sitting on the house step, day-dreaming about a land full of free candies, chocolates, and donuts when a car pulled up infront of his house. 

     As the car stopped many thought flashed through Di's mind. Had his parents returned from their trip? Or was that another visiter who wanted to meet Polaris? Maybe the local baseball team had came to say that he had passed the test. 

     To Di's disappointment, a woman about her thirties, and a young girl - Di couldn't decide on whether she was four or she was eleven. She looked four from one view, and eleven from the other view. - stepped out of the car and waved bye to the driver, which Di suspected was her - her meaning the young girl, not the woman - dad. 

     The girl - now that the car had pulled away, Di had a better view of the girl. He noticed that she was holding a teddy bear, and dressed very well. - hesitantly walked up to Di and asked if this was the Washington's. Di said yes, and the girl looked back at her mother who motioned her to continue the question. 

     "Then...does Polaris Washington live here?" the girl asked, rather quietly, holding the teddy bear tightly. Di saw sweat forming on her palms.

     He would have laughed if not for the question the girl had asked. He had been meeting many, many people who, of course, came to see Polaris, and their first word to him was always "Does Polaris Washington live here?" He had never seen anyone saying something different. However, dispite the many questions, Di hasn't yet been adjusted to those questions. So like always, his ex-pression fell and he looked at the ground. 

     "Can I meet her?" the girl went on with her questions. 

     Di hesitated and took a big breathe. "She's...on a long trip." Di managed to say.

     The girl looked upset. "So I can't see her right now? When does she intend to come back?" the girl said, with a little hope in her voice. 

     "She...won't return." Di said shortly.

     "Why? Doesn't she miss her family?" the girl asked.

     "She does. But she can't return." Di said.

     The woman had walked up behind the girl, and tapped lightly on her back. The girl looked around, and frowned. "But mom! I really want to meet Polaris! I have to! I won't leave until I do!" she whined childishly.

     As the woman sighed, Di stood up and asked the girl, "Would you like to see her room?" He was quite good dealing with children.

     The girl's face instantly brightened as she followed Di into the house. Her mom shook her head as she followed them inside. 

     The house was very quiet, and it was pitch dark, except for a faint light glowing from one corner of the living room. Di walked right pass the light, and when the girl slowed down to get a look, Di grabbed her shoulder and rushed her away. He lead the pack to the staircase and to the third room upstairs. 

     "This is Polaris's room." He said, leading them inside. The room was neatly tidied, and the girl looked around in awe.

     "Now," - at this point, Di realized that he didn't even know the girl's name - "Oh, what's you're name?" he asked. 

     "Big Dipper." the girl said.

     Di looked at the woman and she shook her head.

     "Okay. So I'll call you Di." Di said, and as he said, he realized that Di was his name.

     "Di? Well, okay. But I like Big Dipper better." the girl said.

     " you want to hear about Polaris?" Di asked, rather awkwardly since the last time he spoke to a girl was like decades ago, before Polaris went on her trip.

     "Yes!" the girl said enthusiasically, looking at her mom pleadingly. Her mother sighed and nodded her okay.

     And this is how Di suspended his day-dream and started telling story to the young girl and her mom of his daring, brave, adventurous sister and her trips and adventures.