A Letter to Penelope and Everyone | 리틀팍스
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  • [기타] A Letter to Penelope and Everyone
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    | 추천수: 2 | 등록일: 2019.8.20 오전 9:49
  • Penelope

    Hello! I'm Eriac, as you know, and before I say more, let me ask one question. Did you really ask me to be your friend?! To tell you the truth, I'd been very jealous of you during these months because even though you're the same age with me - twelve-years-old - you seemed to be writing better than me. You're writings are so good, and you're especially good at describing places, things, people, starting the story... I'm very bad at those things. I only have the idea of the story, so I start it, but many of my writings are un-finished because I still have the idea, but my expressive ability isn't as good as your's. Many of you're writings were great, but I especially liked [Childworld] and [Uptown Joyville]. Childworld...I never got bored reading it. I especially fail to describe places, and make the story boring, but your Childworld....even though it's boring to summarize the story because the second one is just "'I' takes a tour around Lifetree" but the story...you wrote the story so well that even though the summary is boring, the story is fun itself. I wonder how you did that. And the idea of the story...HOW did you think of those ideas? Uptown Joyville, Childworld, Super girl dorothy...I could never write those things. If you had seen my writings, you would easily notice that many of my writings are finished in chapter one or two. It isn't finished, but I fail to continue writing it. Your indurance are another thing I should complement. 

    Well, the things above are only the "thoughts" I have about you, and here's the conclusion. 

    I would love to be friends with you!!!


    Sorry for writing SO many letters these days. We - Bluestar, me, Cloud, and Perda - had some misunderstandings, and I apologize to Perda too. I was the one who dragged her into such nonsenceness. I beg for her forgiveness......

    My last four writings - including this one - have all been letters. So I promise you. I would try really hard to NOT write letters, though I should respond to letters sent to me. I'm again really sorry...

이전글 Eriac|2019-08-22
다음글 Eriac|2019-08-19