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  • [창작동화] SUSPICIOUS
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    | 추천수: 3 | 등록일: 2020.3.26 오후 4:58
  • Hello. my name is Kelly.

    Kelly Park.

    I'm lover of adventure.

    Do you like adventure?

    I really like adventure.

    So 3 days ago.

    I went to tresure island and get gaint ruby.

    But something was strangy.

    It was a dream.

    But there was ruby next to me.

    Can you belive it?

    Maybe you'll think I really went to tresure island.

    But it is not.

    When I was running I bump into statue but I didn't hurt.

    You know.

    In real life, if you bump into something it will hurt.

    But in dream it isn't.

    So it was mystery.

    And that's not only mystery.

    There is more.

    I'll tell you and please tell me why.

    I hope you are great dictective.

    I really need.

    This is mystery that happen to me.

    I wrote it in the order of what happen to me.

    I want to see mountain and run than I heard 'dum, dum, dum' like this.

    And that is not noise that people making.

    And I went to mountain and see the Gorani.

    And another day I went to another mountain and Squirrel followed me.

    A minute later that Squirrel stop fallowing me and crows follow us.

    They throw something to us.

    It was two time.

    And than I had this dream.

    What it mean?

    I think another misterious thing will happen to me.

    What am I going to do?

    Please said to me what is this.

    I'll waiting for you.


    And my next book's title is ''solve mystery''.

    (Did you read my story?

    1. Hi my name is kelly.

    2. My First Adventure

    3. The tresure island

    4. The tresure island 2

    5. SUSPOVIOUS(this story)

    6. solve mystery(Not Yet, I will write this till March 31th.


이전글 재웅지윤|2020-03-26
다음글 Perda|2020-03-26