The Adventure of Mr. Mouse_2 | 리틀팍스
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  • [창작동화] The Adventure of Mr. Mouse_2
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    | 추천수: 19 | 등록일: 2021.6.25 오후 4:59
    The next second, Mr. Mouse was running down the street. He ran past many people. The ladies fainted when they saw him. In front of him was a huge glass door which reflected like a mirror. He saw the huge cat following him and gulped.
    Is he going to eat me? Is he going to swallow me? Is he going to bite me to pieces? Is he going to boil me? Is he...
    Mr. Mouse ran as fast as a mouse can run. But how fast can a mouse be? Soon, Mr. Mouse felt the cat's hot breath right behind him. He was starting to loose hope when he saw a plug hole. Without a moment to think, he dove into it. The cat tried to get into the plug hole, but it was too small for a huge cat to jump into.
     "Hew" Mr. Mouse sighed as he wiped his sweat. And he looked up. The cover of the drain was too high up that even ten mice on each other's shoulders can't reach it.
     "What a day," moaned Mr. Mouse. "I guess the mouse town was the best place after all!"
     He sat down to rest. Sitting on the moist, cold atmosphere made him miss the mouse town more. Just then, he felt something on his head. Mr. Mouse reached out and found out he'd left a slice of his favorite cheese inside his hat.
     "Good thing I always left my cheese in some case." Mr. Mouse felt proud as he lowered his hat and picked up the cheese.
     "Hey," a voice interrupted.
     Mr. Mouse answered back. "Who's there?"
     'Is the owner of the voice a good fellow? Or a bad one?' As he thought about this, the footsteps became louder and the owner of the footsteps got closer and closer. He could see faint glow up ahead. Mr. Mouse squeezed his eyes shut as the light went bigger. When he looked up, he saw a rat. Not a mouse. A rat! The rat was holding a bottle. Inside, was a firefly.
    The rat shook Mr. Mouse's hand, "Hello, poor fella. Welcome the world of darkness!" he gestured the dark, damp surroundings. "I'm Finn."
    "Well, Hi." Mr. Mouse said. "I'm Mr. Mouse."
    Finn grinned. "Well, I'm sort of hungry. Can you give me a little bit of your cheese?"
    Before Mr. Mouse answered, Finn snatched the last cheese from Mr. Mouse's hand and gobbled it all. Mr. Mouse sighed.
    "Thanks," said Finn. "I guess this is rotten, but that's fine. I'd never eaten cheese since last few months. In return, I'll introduce my place!"
    "Your place?" Mr. Mouse asked.
    "Yup, my place. This underground world is connected to everywhere, and I'm the ruler of this area." He laughed and added, "though there're no one but me, and you."
     Next few hours, Finn introduced his area. Well, everywhere Mr. Mouse and Finn visited looked all the same.
    "You have a nice...ur...home." Mr. Mouse said politely. "But I have to go now. I'm on an adventure."
    Finn turned around when Mr. Mouse said this. Mr. Mouse could see Finn's flashing eyes through the darkness.
    "Go? No way. You are not going anywhere." Finn said sharply. "You're going to stay with me as my servant here. Forever!"

    _To be continued

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