Dear Ellie_Janice_Gabin Highschool_Cinderstar_ | 리틀팍스
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  • [편지] Dear Ellie_Janice_Gabin Highschool_Cinderstar_
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    | 추천수: 3 | 등록일: 2022.6.28 오후 6:44
  • Dear Ellie,

    Hi it's Leafpaw! I'm so sorry for late letter! I just reallized that I missed it.... I hope you forgive me! 

    Yep :) Cinderstar recommended me Warriors. It's really great! I'm finished reading The Broken Code-Vale of Shadows. You are a fan of Warriors too, right? What book are you reading now? And are you going to join Cinderstar's Warriors fan club (As well as LittleClan)? I hope you join her club. 

    Good luck for the test! I'm sure you'll do the test great. 

    Yep. It's really hot these days. I'm burning up! You stay cool too, Ellie! Then, have a nice day and bye!

    Good to letter you again,


    Dear Janice,

    Hi it's Leafpaw! Oh, Janice! I'm so glad that I saw you in LFEW! I'm so glad that you came back!

    Oh, right. I almost forgot introducing myself. It's me, Starshine! I changed my nickname to Nia, then Iliana, now Leafpaw! Please call me Leafpaw from now on.

    We understand that you are busy. Everyone is busy these days, so we all understand. I'm so glad that you can visit here often now! I thought you left LFEW forever! And I didn't forget you. Why would I? All the other users will remember you too.

    Sorry for short letter..... I know you don't like short letters...... But I don't have many things to say...... I'm sorry. Then, have a nice day, and bye!

    Great to see you again,


    Dear Gabin highschool,

    Hello, I'm Leafpaw. I'm lettering 'cause I want to join your highschool. I hope I'm not late... Am I late? 

    I'm 12 years old girl, and at Gabin highschool I will use the name Leafpaw.

    Oh, and I want to join your high school because it sounds fun, and I want to know what is high school like.

    And I have some questions..

    1. You are 15 years old, right?
    2. Are you the teacher of Gabin High School?
    3. Where did you get the idea 'Gabin'?

    4. How many people wants to do High School?

    5. Do we learn hard things at Gabin high school?

    6. Do we have school uniforms?

    Please let me join! I really want to join.Then, have a nice day and bye!


    Dear Cinderstar,

    Hi it's Leafpaw! Um, about Tallpaw, there is no difference. He's quite arrogant though. 

    And I want to do your warriors debate. I forgot to ask this.

    I want to join the Yes side. I think it's fair for medicine cats to have kits.

    And I saw your notice and....... For StarClan's sake! Am I the only one that clicked fantastic? 

    Um......... And now the only problem is that I already clicked up fantastic so Flosspaw can't click anything.. It's hard for three warrior fans using the same account.(But never mind about Tallpaw. He can't join.

    Then, have a nice day and bye!

    Your apprentice,


    P.S. Sorry for short report. It's just that I have nothing to report!

이전글 LeafpawㅣLW|2022-06-29
다음글 LeafpawㅣLW|2022-06-28