Dear Leafpaw / Cinderstar | 리틀팍스
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  • [편지] Dear Leafpaw / Cinderstar
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    | 추천수: 4 | 등록일: 2022.10.7 오후 3:14

  • Dear Leafpaw

    Hello, it's Lionclaw, I take <wjsals>'s ID, ha!

    Tallpaw's a big fan of Shadowveil? oh, and did you read Jyeon-cheon-dang?? me too, it's fun book.

    Hmm, how can make Book Love club on LFEW? if I make it, do you want to be it's member?

    And what will be your warrior name? (I read your vote)

    And I read Tallpaw's letter, I'll letter to him! it's a thankful(?) letter.


    Dearest Cinderstar

    Hello, it's Lionclaw.

    Your mother don't like your LFEW things too? well, I don't have enough time for EW...TT

    Well, I'm here for ask you about our clan update and debate..

    First, about clan update, I have to add just my twoleg age and reading book?

    Than, I have to add book information on warrior profile when I finish my book?

    And I don't think our debate can working, I have to answer my friends with my letters, Leafpaw didn't have many time, and Stonepaw is busy, and she preparing her warrior ceremony.. like thinking her warrior name.


    P.s I finish warrors : Fourth apprentice.