Title; Serendipity, A Dreamscape?
The setting sunlight seeped meekly through the high-reaching evergreens, with its shadows leaning against themselves while slithering along the road underneath them. Something slithered, but that wasn't of a shadow this time. A girl's it was.
Hanatil felt herself troubled while trying her best earnestly in order to curb her visceral emotions lurching throughout hastily.
The plan she and John had managed to consider, seemingly didn't seem so sane to her intuition. She felt through her inherent instinct that there WOULD be a Loss, though she wasn't so sure what that specific loss would be.
With another of the meek sigh seeping out from the corner of lips, Hanatil trudged, but promptly, along the curvy lane toward her destination. She and John had separated for a while in order to carry out the massive 'Plan One'
Hanatil's feet glided silently, making a least noise one could make. This had to be confidential. The plan was substantial but perilous, swift but somber. The road littered with fallen leaves underneath made rustles and the field of vision up ahead her eyes contained a gigantic grey and sober looking annex with no windows but plenty of iron crates blocking the entrance of it.
Hanatil gulped as the rumbling rackets in atmosphere surrounding the building roared, making the evergreens around swish and flick. The girl knew that the annex was some sort of an institution and a laboratory which researches through human-beings' body arrangements and brain activities. The other floor manufactured weapons and some technological devices which Hanatil was sure she could not discern. The annex was a different one from where the XXLilian35 (The vaccination) was placidly hidden. However, this time, the goal was for the other matter. Hanatil deliberately walked around the annex's outer range to scrutinized its detailed section, not to invade, but to admire. She then figured out that the world's technological system would have been much more systematically designed only if the C.S.H (Congregation for Supremacy Human-beings) contributed their cutting-edge advances properly and cooperated well with the L.W.U.N. The building was about 40meters tall and was painted gray. Its backward parts had its paints partly peeled off, and the iron bars and crates undauntedly guarding the passageway was as if a canine was curbing intruders in order to save its mater's house. After a rounding about the building, Hanatil muttered something that was probably like; 'I don't like it. I really don't like it. But, can't be helped I guess', then pulled something out from her backpack which was torn off slightly but on the other hand still as pragmatic as her own. It was a diamond shaped object- perhaps a little more sharper and regular formed than the actual diamond but likely to be similar. It was all black, but as Hanatil gently pushed a small protruding part of it, it switched on in an abrupt manner. Then, with a red colored message, similar with a warning tone was shown. It said,
#Verification of Identity Required in order to acknowledge the access of the process#
Hanatil right away inputted her fingerprint as a finger shaped screen popped into the device. For a moment, the device had its 'Loading' sign then after a minute or two displayed a much more detailed page of manipulating things. Process Implementing Date: February 17, 2061, 7:31AM
Manipulating Option>>The interval of the explosion, The Explosion Time, The intensity, How Many times, Whether you prefer
____________________ ______________ _________ _____________ ______________
the device auto-destroyed after the implement.
Among those categories, Hanatil inputted 8AM for the 'Explosion Time', 4 seconds for the interval, 'Turbulent' for the intensity and 7 times for the number of the explosion. After that, she wrote, 'Acknowledge for the auto-destroy' for the last option then clicked 'All Confirmed and Settled' She then looked around in an apprehensive manner once or twice, squinting through every direction, then placed the device preciously and placidly down on ground and littered leaves to hide the small figure. Before somebody else may attempt to catch a glimpse of her, Hanatil strode off instantaneously. For the moment, her heart was beating so intensely and rapidly that she felt it fortunate that the rumbling noises made deep inside the annex hid her heartbeats bumping. And for the moment, she somewhat missed her father, Jonathan Tyler Deborrah so she determined to scurry even faster than her current velocity. She ran faster and faster then found a lane which was a shortcut and went deeper into the woods. There she ran alongside the small stream of chemical concoction liquids being discarded and its source something like a sewage in a form of a den. The girl thought that she had seen something near the area but was way too rapidly sprinting that she lightly ignored the presence. She also recollected memories a mysterious person, the girl whom had rescued them overnight and the one who had mysteriously vanished. She had said,
"Under your feet is a drain, open it and follow the passageway til you reach a hollow, vest tunnel. After that, turn left and you'll see the Woods of the Doom. XXFIN35 is near there, I believe you're aware of this already but it diffuses high amount of the toxic chemical compounds known as 'The Miedo'. Remember to wear quarantine attires and smocks that may is medically confirmed to be highly secured. Meet me later on at the back of the C.S.H building 2. There'd be a small stream and when you cross it, you'd
see a factory which researches and develops human immune system. I'll be near the sewer where they discard left medicine and compounds!"
Could it have been That Merced girl? Eleanor Merced, whom she had been researching though the whole time? The owner of the voice was a female one and was like about Hanatil's age. High possibility it possessed, but Hanatil vowed to deal with 'thinking affairs' for later, perhaps for good. She then saw john who had been awaiting for his daughter and had been conveying a great plan himself.
"You're late. But it's just fine." He said. And Hanatil could see a laptop and few other memory cards plugged in it while the wire from the laptop led all the way toward the supplementary battery device.
"What have you been doing?" She said it in a bit apprehensive and constraining tone. She didn't mean to, but her edgy feelings compulsorily converted her to be obliged by its presence. "Been carrying out the plan, just like I told you a while ago." He said it with a queer pride but sorrow as well in his eyes. The queer pride was of the present and the queer sorrow was of the foreboding future's ominous reality. Now, intuitions are not as reliable as scientifically verified ones, but a man's in a predicament- especially a 'father's' intuition is considerably valiant.
Hanatil asked with her pale complexion 'What precisely are you talking about?' and John, who had sensed that, answered with a short sigh, which was perhaps like an inherent trait of the Deborrah household.
"Do you remember the dissertation about the 'Psychology of opposition and defends'I wrote once?" Hanatil curtly nodded and gestured 'Go ahead' with a confused looking face. "I wrote there that peoples' psychological propensities usually make them consider foresight and by-and-by occasions to contribute to their well-beings and benefits." There he paused, then pulled his laptop and turned a specific page on. It was like a draft or a surveillance camera of some sort. Hanatil felt quite dizzy and felt her inside churning as all those small computer signs and phrases were displayed and arranged in a row. Some contained symbols which she couldn't possibly identify. There seemed to be equations also but not some normal equations she used to solve amid her curriculum.
"You see, I concluded that we may proceed our Plan in a secured way if the surveillance cameras managed by the C.S.H security headquarter system would be suspended for a moment while we carry out the major part. I've been searching through this for more than three months now, and have been estimating every possible alter and possibility the C.S.H management could have hidden the security access code at." He dramatically paused, and then said after a second or two. "I was feeling rather reckless and helpless due to the limited number of times of accessing but I found some most-likely sites in which could be the security management software site. I figured that one of them may possess a particular difference or two against other categories and spent another month in searching for it. Then at the last minute, I found a difference; One of them, only one, had had been in a noticeable site. I had first ignored it by the reason that it was so clarified that i didn't dare to surmise it as the 'target'. But, as I reread my previous dissertation, I soon recognized that 'What you least expect could be the key answer'. I drastically clicked the software lot, and it was, it was, the security management lot of the C.S.H" His voice recoiled a little as if he was impressed by what he have dealt with. For a moment, Hanatil felt another harsh churn around her head but then excitedly blurted out with a high-pitched tone. "Does that mean that we are like-like controlling part of the option of the management??!" John laughed with a meek and serene way then replied, "Close, but not quite. We ARE the headquarter of the C.S.H security management as long as the access through this laptop to their software system is available!" There was another dramatic pause, and at the moment Hanatil was about to speak something out which was close to a 'compliment', John's watch made a warning tone. The girl recollected her father saying that the watch was correlated with the 'Black Queen', the device Hanatil had implemented near the C.S.H science technology annex a while ago.
"The Black Queen is gonna be operated soon. It's already 7:55AM"
With that, the father and the daughter secretively strode toward the C.S.H building-1, in which contained main management system as such as the Security management, Maintenance management and Lilith Malicious's headquarter office etc,,,
The guards were strictly curbing the main entrance toward the building so they had to occupy a small gate to the stairway which led itself throughout the entire building, fundamentally designed for the ventilation system or for the emergency evacuation passageway. The door was firmly locked, and it was to be opened only when a key was manually inserted, and they couldn't dare to risk themselves to snatch the key from the chief guard. Concisely, the mere solution was.....
A screeching racket and the noise of the explosion sweltered in the air, and for a moment, Hanatil felt her eardrums rumbling and herself swaying like a helpless paper puppet. The ground vibrated and the dust and cement powder seeped down from the building. But very soon, Hanatil heard another banging noise, this time a bit smaller but still aggressive. It was John! He, with a very strong rifle, was shooting at the iron door! Another terrible Bang from the Black Queen hollered, and it hid the rifles noise with its racket much more powerful than the rifle's. That was why they had used the bombing object. To overpower the noise from the rifle to destroy the iron crate without an obstruct caused by fear of the guards hearing the sound. It also dragged the guards toward the source of the explosion, so 'more freedom given' they thought. For many times there were explosions and John's rifle roared as well, 5 shots at a bomb. Soon, as the seventh explosion was over, the door to the staircase was destroyed.
On the other hand, Hanatil was struck by the awful sounds made by two sources around her. The fall of London it reminded her. Of buildings collapsing and people screaming and also of her hometown collapsing into an eternal failure.
While She had had a panic overwhelming her, John had been plunging through the iron crates and the dim staircase was visible.
"Let's Go" John said, reaching Hanatil's wrist and pulling her by his side. He still possessed a peculiar sorrowful and concerned look but he forced himself to smile a little at his only daughter. Hanatil found his words and tone comforting, entered the hollow lot, but then looked back. Her view of sights contained a fire and smoke arising from the right side of vision and crates spread everywhere around her. There, she muttered something. Something which was her mere wish...
"May the goddess of serendipity be on the ally's side."
_Written by Eleanor Han_
_Is to be continued......
이전글 | 사랑해다은아|2025-02-04 | |
다음글 | 사랑해다은아|2025-02-04 |