The Kids Action kids and Miss Shella were at Ohio in USA(the United States of America). They were glancing around to find where should they sleep. "I have an idea! My cousin lives in Ohio. I once slept at her house. I'll ask her to sleep at her house for a few weeks," Miss Shella exclaimed. "Yeah! Three cheers for Miss Shella!" Kai shrieked. "Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!" the kids squealed and cheered. They hooted and clapped as they waited for their director to text her cousin. "She typed back! She said we can sleep over!" Miss Shella explained. "Yes!" the kids screamed. "Please line up, kids! Let's go to my cousin's house!" the director said. **** "What does your cousin like to do?" Milly asked on the way. "She likes to draw and play basketball," Miss Shella answered. "How old is she?" Ginger asked. "She's eleven," the director replied. "How old are you, Miss Shella?" Kelly asked. "I'm twenty years old," Miss Shella reminded the kids of her age. "Wow! You're a student and an adult! And that's why you're cousin is young!" Kai declared. **** Soon the kids and Miss Shella reached a small house. "Wow! Amazing!" Milly said, shivering with excitment. Miss Shella rang the doorbell. The kids shuddered as they waited for Miss Shella's cousin to answer the door. But no one opened the door. "I wish she could let us in quickly," Kai grumbled. "Me neither," Milly hissed. The kids mumbling as they waited. "Now, now, kids," Miss Shella murmered. "Why won't you try to wait?" she offered. "Fine. Sorry." The kids sighed and agreed to wait more. "I hope she open the door," Kelly added. Suddenly the door opened. "Hi, Shella! Who are those kids next to you?" the cousin asked. "Hi! This is Milly, Ginger, Kai, and Kelly. They're my Kids Action students. They're on the same age like you!" Miss Shella declared. "Hi!" the kids grinned and announced. "Kids, I would like you to meet my cousin Jessica," Miss Shella said. "Please come in. I'll give you something nice," Jessica said. "Thanks!" the kids and Miss Shella said.