Dear Eleanor | 리틀팍스
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  • [편지] Dear Eleanor
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    | 추천수: 0 | 등록일: 2024.4.23 오후 4:13

    Dear Eleanor,

    Hi Eleanor! ^^ And thanks I'm having nice days:)

    Wow,thank you for thousand times for your splendid and noble letter💗

    You are the one who's like angel!

    Because you forgave my late,very late letter><

    Oh yes. I passed elementary school examination when I was 13!

    (I passed elementary school examination in August.)

    You had passed elementary school examination,I'm sure and hope you've wrote all the correct answer!!

    (I had two wrong answer actually^^;)

    I wanted you to ask this:'What certificate did you take to get?'

    But I'm sorry if you can't still understand this sentence..

    I don't mind telling you same words over and over,but you might be offended by my silly,strange sentence...TT

    I apologize my bad English grammar skills,I still have to study more and more...;;;

    When will we start relay novels together?Ha-ha,I think I'm so excited!

    Oh,I'm really curious about April's opinion(about relay novel topic)!

    Yep,I've clicked 'fantasy' but now I like 'History' part more😅

    I'll need to tell April about that soon as I can. 

    By the way,I'm happy to hear you like History part as your favorite relay novel topic><

    I'm grateful about saying I'll understand all of the 'Lord Of The Rings'(the original book)!

    But not right now,I'll need to study English more hard,as I said before.

    I like jeans too! Of course skirts too😊 Do you like short skirts or long skirts?

    Ah...yes,I hate that part of the summer-disgusting bugs!

    Yeah,my height is 160-162,but I think I'm almost stopping to grow...T.T

    Oh,no Eleanor,you are not short^^ I think you'll grow till at least 165cm!

    Um...sure! And it's not rude! Then do you now how to drag?

    My weight is 40-41kg. I think it's quite heavy,so I want to lose weight some^^;

    And I say again,it's not rude! Er....can I ask your weight too...?

    I think you're slim because you don't like desserts...^^

    Oh than I have to go...!

    Have a moist romantic rainy day if it's raining where you live☔

                                                                           With All My True Heart,


    P.S.You can drag and see my answer below the word 'Um...sure! And it's not rude! Then do you now how to drag?'

이전글 엘라메튜최고|2024-04-23
다음글 Graceㅣmercy|2024-04-22